Monday, March 24, 2008

Fun filled day!

We hope everyone had a fabulous Easter! We had a fun day filled with kids waking up bright and early with excitement to see what their baskets had been filled with. Many egg hunts, lots of candy and most important being at church to remember and think about our Savior.

The matching trio!!!

For you moms out there trying to find matching clothes for your little ones, It's was impossible!
I went to sooooo many stores trying to find something that would all go together. Sure for the girls they had cute dresses that would match but then nothing for the boys. I can't tell you how excited I was to find Brendan's purple tie! I decided I will come up with my own fashion line that give's you option's to have your children match on these fun holidays.


Bryn said...

Oh my gosh, i'm with ya on the matching Easter clothes, I searched and searched for cute matching Easter dresses for my girls and came up ended handed. Maybe I'm just too picky. Your kids look adorable! I love the purple!

Brianne said...

Good idea on starting a line with matching clothes for kids! Your kids look absolutely adorable! HAPPY EASTER!

Brian, Sheena and Boys said...

I agree about the line of matching clothes for kids as well! I don't know why it is so hard. Cute kids, looks like Easter was a lot of fun!

Ginny said...

I had a hard time just finding white dress shirts for my little boys. Luckily I only have one girl, so the trick is just finding good ties to go with the dress. I didn't even attempt matching this year, but maybe that is because I match the twins practically every day! Your kids look adorable!!

Heidi Louise said...

I think you aced the task of making your kids look cute for Easter! Should I ever have kids of my own, I will make sure and have you help me dress them.

I miss you! Can we get together sometime soon?

Kira Thunell said...

Looks like yall had fun for Easter and the kids look cute as always. I was slacking and went clothes shopping the week of --oops!-- but I got lucky and found matching shirts for the boys. I was sooo mad though, there were racks and racks of cute easter dresses but hardly any boy stuff! Grrr! Hey, any thoughts on a Layers party up in Heber?