Friday, August 22, 2008

my girls are growing up.

Mckaela continues to grow up, are you kidding me FIRST grade! She now goes to school and is gone ALL day. She has recess with the big kids, carries her own tray for lunch and has homework to do at night. What happen to my little girl? The girls off to break all the boys hearts....
lining up for their big first day!
I thought Kindergarten was hard but now this...then it will Jr. high, High school, marriage. Will it ever slow down? She was so excited and really likes her teacher. This will be a fun year for my soon to be teenager!

The has begun. So I just have to let my oldest off to school all day and then this...the little one think she can just take off too.


Tim, Crista and Addy said...

Oh my heavens, McKaela (sorry, spelling?) looks beautiful! NOT like a first grader!!! She's going to have to fight off the boys....or at least you and your husband will!

Heather said...

she is just like her mama the cutest girl in school! what a doll's amazing how kids can look so much like their parents.

amber hawkins warren said...

Brendan looks so studly and McKaela looks so wistful and cute. I can't believe they are that old. It's crazy!

Brian, Sheena and Boys said...

Your kids are so cute! Brian always says Mckaela is going to be a little heart breaker!