Monday, February 2, 2009

nothing like a weekend away.

We went up to Wolfcreek for the weekend with some friends and had such a great time. Went sledding, playing games, watching movies (even some that are not out on DVD yet...shhh) and staying up so late talking that we started to get a little silly!! Ryan has been working sooo much this last month that it was so nice to just have daddy around to play. Thanks Bevans and Fishers for coming and hanging out with us!!

Last week Mckaela received an award for being Responsible by her teacher. They make a big deal about it, have an assemble for the whole school and the parents get to come and see the kids get these awards. It was pretty neat to see her be up on stage as she get's the award from the Principle. She was very excited to be apart of it all.


Bryn said...

I'm glad you guys were able to relax a little, you deserve it!

Brianne said...

You are right, there is nothing better. And so cute about Mckaela. You must be the proudest mom of such a cutie!!

Elder bevan said...

That was a much needed getaway. Thanks for the invite!