Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 baby:)

Well 2009 is here...and I hope this year will be a year we will always remember. As we go into the new year we are looking forward to some changes that may come our way soon. Hopefully good ones. I think we have all had our share of hard times and it's time to turn those days around. Think positive and keep wants really important always in mind and things will work out!!
So here are some pics from Christmas, which was really nice and busy as always. I think the kids were happy with what Santa had brought them.

This year I made them these boards to hang in their room so they could hang pictures or things that they have made in school. And of course every year they get their Christmas Pjs., I even got me some to match all of them. (couldn't find any for Ryan)

We really have been blessed with so much this last year and are truly grateful for our family and friends that have always been there for us. We love you all! Happy New year!

So for Christmas my parents gave Ryan and me tickets to Dancing with the Stars. It was at the E-center and it was so much fun to see them live. I have followed the show since day one and just love all the dances, even wish I could take lessons and join the show:) It's nice to have a date night thats paid for. We had a great time and even Ryan had fun!!


Elder bevan said...

Okay, so I saw the title and thought you were telling all of us some more big news! So no baby then? Ha Ha Ha Ha